Allseated is my go to site for creating wedding floorplans and layouts. It's an amazing (free!) tool that allows you to build the plan to scale so there is no question whether 20 tables seating 8 people each will fit in the reception venue. I also use the site as a place for my clients and I to collaborate. They can log in and adjust any minor layout changes, add names to the tables, and see what I have put together so far. I recently started using some of their other offerings like managing the guest list and timeline. In short, Allseated is my virtual assistant!
I was honored to be able to contribute a guest post to their blog recently. It's was posted this week and focuses on what elements I take into consideration when working with my clients in choosing their centerpieces and decor.
You can read it here! http://www.allseated.com/blog/choose-event-centerpieces/